Monday, December 30, 2019

Italian Indefinite Articles - Articoli Indeterminativi

The Italian indefinite article (larticolo indeterminativo) corresponds to English  a/an  and is used with singular nouns. It also corresponds to the number  one. INDEFINITE ARTICLES MASCHILE FEMMINILE uno zio (uncle) una zia (aunt) un cugino (cousin, m.) una cugina (cousin, f.) un amico (friend, m.) unamica (friend, f.) Uno  is used for masculine words beginning with  z  or  s  Ã‚  consonant;  un  is used for all other masculine words.  Una  is used for feminine words beginning with a consonant;  un’  is used for feminine words beginning with a vowel. un treno e una biciclettaun aeroplano e un’automobileuno stadio e una stazione How to Use Italian Indefinite Articles​ In Italian, an article is the variable part of  discourse  that appears before the  noun  to specify the gender and number of the noun. An  adjective  can be placed between the article and noun: Il  viaggio  in Turchia à ¨Ã‚  una  buona  idea per  le  prossime  vacanze.The trip to Turkey is a good idea for your next vacation. È  stato  un  viaggio  molto  interessante.It was a very interesting trip. I  ragazzi si alzino in piedi,  le  ragazze restino sedute.The boys stand up, the girls remain seated. Lo  sport à ¨Ã‚  unattività   salutare per  gli  adolescenti.Sport is a healthy pursuit for teenagers. NOTE: The article gives value to the noun and any other part of speech it precedes: Il  mangiar  troppo  non  giova  alla  salute.Overeating is not conducive to ones health. Lo strano  della storia à ¨ che nessuno udà ¬ lo sparo.The odd part of the story is that no one heard the shot. Bene,  il pià ¹Ã‚  Ãƒ ¨Ã‚  fatto!Well, the job is done! In Italian, an article can either be a  definite article  (articolo determinativo), an indefinite article (articolo indeterminativo), or a  partitive article  (articolo partitivo). Indefinite ArticleIn Italian, the indefinite article is placed before the noun to indicate a generic, uncountable noun. It is also used before the names of professions as well as with common names or surnames to indicate a work of art. In English, indefinite articles correspond to the terms a and an. It has the following forms: MASCULINE (singular):  un,  unoFEMININE (singular):  una,  un un  is  used before a masculine noun that starts with a vowel or consonant: un  amicoa friend un  giornoone day un  tavoloa table NOTE:  un  is  never followed by an apostrophe. uno  pressed a word that starts with:  »Ã‚  s  impura  (s   consonant) uno  scontrinoa receipt uno  specchioa mirror uno  svagoa diversion  »Ã‚  y  semiconsonantica  (semivowel y) uno  yogurta yogurt uno  yachta yacht  »Ã‚  gn,  ps,  x, and  z uno  gnomoa gnome uno  psicologoa psychologist uno  xenofoboa xenophobic uno  zainoa backpack una  is used before a feminine word that begins with a consonant: una  madrea mother una  ziaan aunt un  is used before a feminine word that begins with a vowel: unautomobilea car unamicaa friend NOTE: The indefinite article has no plural form; however it can be implied:  »Ã‚  by omitting the article: Leggo  giornali.I am reading newspapers. Mangio pere e mele.I am eating pears and apples.  »Ã‚  with the partitive article, with the suggestion of  qualche,  alcuni, or  un  po di: Prendo caffà ¨ e  dei  biscotti.Im having coffee and biscuits. Vorrei  comprare  dei  libri.I would like to buy books.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Police Policing And Community Policing - 1513 Words

Community Policing How effective is community policing? Community policing has several different definitions. In this paper I will prove that community policing is effective by defining, community policing as the police and citizens coming together to create a safe community, stop crime and resolve problems and also urgently responding to the community. Throughout many years, the people’s view of community policing have remained the same. There are some valid causes as to why law enforcement leaders consider that it is time to change the way policing labors so that they are effectively helping the community. The way that community policing was trained in the past is not necessarily efficient in today’s society. For example, catastrophes in our communities continue to increase the need for security, citizens loose the feeling of protection and wellbeing, and this can be fixed by presenting advanced policing strategies. Law enforcement leaders are beginning to recognize t hat they must accept the responsibility for the safety of their communities. Community policing is as a law enforcement tactic enforced to progress a stronger connection between the police and the community. The fundamental idea following community policing is that the community should be willingly involved with law enforcement leaders to help resolve problems. While that may seem exceptionally simple, law enforcement leaders should acknowledge that the community should be involved in theShow MoreRelatedPolice Policing And Community Policing Essay1245 Words   |  5 PagesIntro There are a series of variations of the definition of community policing. Community policing is a system ran for police officers within communities so that they can become familiar with local citizens. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

‘Billy Liar’ Which of Billy’s three girlfriends is best suited to him Free Essays

string(129) " predicament because has threatened that her father will come and sort him out! Later that day Rita returns to the Fisher house\." The play ‘Billy Liar’ concerns a nineteen-year-old boy who has three girlfriends. The Fisher family live in a typical lower middle class house in an industrial town in the north of England. The furniture is quite new but of dreadful taste. We will write a custom essay sample on ‘Billy Liar’: Which of Billy’s three girlfriends is best suited to him? or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Fisher family is very dysfunctional. The family consists of: Billy, a compulsive liar, who uses sarcasm to try and show his intelligence. He seems to be confused about life in general and is also very lazy. Billy is very intelligent. We know this, as there is evidence of this throughout the play. Billy has three girlfriends, I think this a signs of irresponsibility and that he is not very mature. Billy’s mother, Alice, is a housewife. She is constantly fussing over Billy and mothering him. An example of Alice mothering Billy is ‘how do you mean? A job in London? What job in London? ‘ questioning Billy because she worries about him. Maybe this is one of the causes of Billy’s many dilemmas. Alice seems very easy going. Geoffrey, Billy’s father, does not have a good word to say about Billy. He does not trust his son one bit and has no faith in him. Geoffrey has his own business and he also has an obsession to saying the word ‘bloody’. Finally, there is Florence. This is Billy’s Grandmother, Alice’s mother. She is extremely racist and also forgetful. She is forgetful. She is almost senile and throughout the play she is found rambling to herself. She blames Alice for Billy being spoilt. At the beginning of the play when Billy is discussing Barbara with Arthur, he seems unbelievably sexually frustrated. He has had a plan to seduce Barbara by using a ‘passion pill’. Barbara is a girl of about nineteen who is large and well built. This gives the impression that Barbara is relatively old fashioned and prudish. Barbara has strong morals and refuses to have sex before marriage. We know this as in one part of the play Billy puts is hand on Barbara’s knee (after she has taken the passion pill) and Barbara says ‘it seems†¦ indecent, somehow’ this certainly makes Billy sexually frustrated. Barbara is very gullible. We can tell this because she believes all of Billy’s lies. Also Billy’s mother approves of Barbara and thinks she looks respectable. When Billy greets Barbara her reply ‘hallo, pet. ‘ Is spoken callously and flatly. This gives the impression that her feelings for him are not as strong as she believes them to be. Billy also tells Barbara more lies such as ‘Oh yes, I made all the furniture’, and ‘ she might have to have her leg off’ (talking about Florence) which Barbara again believes. One thing that Billy and Barbara have in common is that they fantasize extensively. Evidence of this is the way that they plan together their dream cottage in Devon with a little Billy and a little Barbara. They have really planed this in minute detail, down to the colour schemes and garden plans. My personal opinion is that Barbara has a greater passion for oranges than for Billy and is constantly eating them. Barbara and Billy address each other using pet names such as ‘pet’ and ‘darling’. This shows some sense of relationship between them. Billy gets so frustrated at Barbara’s addiction to oranges and lack of passion that he picks up her bag of oranges and, in total fury, throws it across the floor. Barbara is exceptionally helpful when she visits the Fisher household. She does the dishes and is egger to help Alice. This makes her seem incredibly domesticated. Alice thinks really highly of Barbara. I know this because she says ‘I’m glad he’s found himself a nice sensible lass for once. I think Barbara and Billy are suited in one way because they both fantasize but in many other ways they are not. Barbara has some direction and plan to her life while Billy has no direction at all. Barbara has very strong morals; she does not believe in sex before marriage or in mixed sex holidays but Billy certainly does. I do not think that Barbara and Billy are well suited at all.. They obviously do not love each other. Rita is first introduced in a phone conversation between herself and Billy. In the conversation Rita is being very forceful and she puts Billy on the defensive. While this phone call takes place Barbara is in the house. Rita wants her engagement ring back, the ring Billy has given to Barbara! This shows that he does not have respect for either of the girls. He is desperately trying to get the ring back off Barbara to return to Rita who is very annoyed. Rita is a small girl with blonde hair. She is seventeen years old but ‘dresses to look much older’. She is ‘common and hard’ and works in a snack bar. When Rita is first seen she is coming to claim her ring back from Billy. As soon as she enters the garden, she instantly insults Billy, saying to him ‘look what’s crawled out of the cheese’. This gives the impression that they do not really have any affection towards each other. When Billy tells her one of his extravagant lies Rita is not as gullible as Barbara. Billy and Rita do not have mutual respect in their relationship. You can tell this in their language and tone of voice. Despite all the negative points in their relationship, there is definite sexual chemistry and physical attraction. I know this because Billy attempts to quieten down Rita by kissing her passionately and, sure enough, Rita responds to this by kissing him back. Yet Rita threatens Billy by saying that her father is not happy that she has not got her ring back. I think she is trying to blackmail Billy here. Rita eventually leaves extremely angry and without a ring. She has left Billy in a predicament because has threatened that her father will come and sort him out! Later that day Rita returns to the Fisher house. You read "‘Billy Liar’: Which of Billy’s three girlfriends is best suited to him?" in category "Papers" She is now furious. She does not knock before going in. This is extremely rude. Rita is not intimidated by older people we can see this in the manner in which she talks to Billy’s mother. While talking to people Rita frequently mocs the way they talk. She comes up with some amazing insults and dishes them out, one being ‘squint eyed, bow legged, spotty snotty nosed streak of nothing’. She directs this insult Barbara. She does not think much of Barbara at all. She says that Barbara needs to wash her ears because she has got ‘carrots growing out of them’. This means that she thinks that Barbara is naive and stupid. She is probably right in thinking this. I do think that Rita and Billy are suited because there is a definite sexual attraction between them. Yet that is all they have in common because they are both from different back rounds. Rita comes from quite a rough back round and this is probably the cause for her acting in the way that she does. Billy comes from a lower middle class up bringing. Billy’s mother definitely would not like Billy marrying Rita as she would not fit in with their family. We do not meet Liz until the very end of the play. I like this aspect of the play because we hear about Liz very near the beginning of the play so this leaves a bit of mystery surrounding her character. At the beginning of the play Arthur makes a remark about Liz’s skirt. He says ‘it’s about time somebody bought her a new skirt’. He refers to her as ‘scruffy Lizzie’ that agrees with comments that Alice makes about her. She says ‘that scruffy one’ and also ‘her in that mucky skirt’. The play ‘Billy Liar’ was written in the 1960’s. We can see evidence in the way that society’s view of women in the way that people think through the play; Alice’s opinion of Liz’s skirt which now seems to be a very old fashioned view. Also we can see how society has changed in the way Barbara views sex before marriage and mixed sex holidays. This also fits with the class Barbara comes from. Liz is a free spirit who travels around the country from job to job. Maybe this is why people cannot relate to her or regard her as a threat. During the time of which the play was set, people tended to stay within their own locality. Despite everyone making rude remarks about Liz, Billy seems to have genuine feelings. During one part of the play Barbara is talking to Alice about Liz and she says that ‘she used to put a lot of ideas into his head’. Possibly she is jealous of Liz, because she knows that Billy still has feelings for her. So she is trying to ensure that Alice does not like Liz. Right at the very end of the play Liz enters the scene with Arthur. Although Liz is about the same age as Barbara and Rita she has maturity and ‘self-possession’. She is dressed casually and is, infact, not as scruffy as we have been led to believe. She is not particularly pretty but is obviously a girl of ‘strong personality’. When she comes into the scene they just make polite conversation and Billy asks Liz when she got back. He seems hurt that Liz had not phoned him. After Liz and Billy have been talking for a while, Liz gets the idea of going away to London with him. Billy gives the impression that he definitely wants to go to London with Liz. When Billy tries to lie to Liz he cannot quite go through with it. Liz is a very good judge of Billy’s character. Despite this it does not stop her from loving him. Liz gets the bizarre idea that she wants to marry Billy. She does not want to get engaged and she does not care about getting a ring, unlike Barbara and Rita. Billy and Liz seem to share the same dream. Billy loves talking to Liz. We can see this in the length of his of his speeches. At the end of act three, we can see that Liz is more optimistic than Billy. She makes her mind up about going London. She is sure but Billy is unsure and to some extent pessimistic about going. Liz just makes her decisions on impulse. Liz and Billy get along really well and enjoy each other’s company. They have interesting conversations in which they are both fully involved. It seems as if they are sole mates. But maybe they would be suited better as just good friends. I do not think any one of the three girls is really suitable for Billy. Billy has things in common with each of the girls. Barbara and Billy both fantasize, Billy and Rita have a lot of sexual chemistry between them while Billy and Liz can talk to each other very well. But Billy has big relationship issues. He cannot commit in a relationship; he shows this in the way that he decides not to go to London at the end of the play. He cannot make decisions; he shows this numerous times throughout the play and one of his main goals should be to stop lying! I think Billy could learn to love each of these girls. But I am unsure he would be able to live with them or get married. Billy cannot keep still; he cannot stick to one girl; he cannot make a sensible decision. Billy is highly intelligent but his inability to make decisions stops him getting anywhere in life. How to cite ‘Billy Liar’: Which of Billy’s three girlfriends is best suited to him?, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mechanisms of Clearing Incompatible RBC

Question: Discuss about the Mechanisms of Clearing Incompatible RBC. Answer: Introduction: Transfusion is done worldwide to treat anemia and hemorrhage. In case of incompatible transfusions, the antibodies bind to the red blood cells and induce fatal effects that includes hemolytic- transfusion reactions, hemolysis in fetus as well as newborn or autoimmune form of hemolytic- anemia. Though, compatibility tests have been performed to prevent an abnormal pathophysiology of incompatible transfusions, still incompatible blood- transfusions occurs. But, in case of few incompatible blood- transfusions, abnormal pathophysiology may not follow rather the incompatible RBCs might survive normally. This essay discusses about various mechanisms by which incompatible red blood cells are cleared off from the blood circulation. Cross matching- incompatible blood- transfusions involves infusing the red- blood cells from donor into the recipient with antibodies to fight against antigens that are present in the red blood cells of donor. Allo-antibodies were found to be generated against RBC antigen when there is a prior exposure to allogeneic RBCs, which could have been occurred during any previous blood- transfusions or pregnancy except for the blood- group antibodies (as the ABO system) that naturally occurs [1]. Generally, incompatible blood- transfusions were strictly prevented because of the fatal outcomes of hemolysis that is caused by the transfusion of incompatible RBCs leading to HRT (hemolytic- transfusion reactions) [2], [3]. They can occur due to the amnestic- antibody responses that are caused by the mis-transfusion. Additionally, in few circumstances, cross-match- incompatible RBCs were infused purposefully to person if he/she is at risk for developing hypoxia (because of anemia). It is done only if the risks of hypoxia outweigh the adverse effects of an induced HTR. Allo-antibodies developed against RBCs of fetus can lead to hemolytic disease in fetus that results in mortalities in which auto-antibodies bound to red blood cells causing (autoimmune) hemolytic- anemia [4]. Therefore, a clear understanding of the clearance mechanisms of RBC in which antibody- bounded with RBCs are cleared off from the blood circulation as well as the patho-physiology that ensues is much needed in many hospital settings. Hemolysis that is induced by antibody is basically thought to be occurred by any one of the two mechanisms. The first mechanism is that the RBCs could undergo an intra- vascular hemolysis at the time of activation of complement to develop the membrane- attack complex (i.e. MAC). Typically, this occurs due to the binding of immunoglobulin (Ig) M with the surfaces of RBC and sometimes it also occurs by binding with Immunoglobulin IgG [5]. Red- blood cells were also opsonized as well as ingested by the phagocytes which are called as extra- vascular hemolysis. When the complementary pathway is activated by the binding of antibody, C3 gets covalently attached to both cellular protein (surrounding it) and inciting antibodies through thioester bonding [6]. In case, if the complementary activation did not led to the formation of MAC to the level that a quick intra- vascular hemolysis occur, then C3 that is deposited on the surfaces of red- blood cells might be converted into C3b as well as i C3b that are ligands for the complement- receptors. In such cases, the complementary receptors that are located on the phagocytic cells (such as CR1, CR3 CR4) will consume the RBCs that are coated with C3b (phagocytosis). Additionally, C3 is usually needed to continue the complementary cascade so as to complete MAC assembly [7]. Secondly, an antibody- induced form of opsonization may develop because of the bounding of Fc- domains of the immunoglobulin IgG to red- blood cells that are identified by Fcg- receptors (FcgRs) on the surface of phagocytes extra- vascularly. The presence of these RBC clearance pathways after binding with antibodies were significantly proved by various studies in animal models [8]. In contrast to these two pathways, the alternative pathways of immunoglobulin IgG- mediated RBCs clearance were identified that does not involves both complement as well as FcgR pathways. These pathways involve direct effect of antibody- binding on RBCs. De-stabilization of the membrane of RBCs were found to induce programmed death of RBCs (eryptosis) [9] [10]. Antibodies were found to directly provoke the phosphatidylserine expression that are present on the surface of RBC that is able to cause phagocytosis because of the ligation of phosphatidylserine- scavenger receptors that are located on phagocytes [9]. In addition to that, the mechanical- induction of Ca2+ influx into red- blood cells results in eryptosis because of the direct effect of an antibody- surface binding [11] [12]. In 2010, Chadebech has stated that these pathways were not separated but they may overlap each other. Though these newly identified alternative mechanisms raise many mechanistic questions in regard to HTRs, they were analyzed in- vitro and hence it is not clear whether these findings are appropriate to the authentic HTRs- in- vivo. Ultimately, the clearance of red- blood cells from blood circulation in- vivo by the process of sequestration in spleen as well as liver was identified in regard to immunoglobulin IgG IgA autoimmune- hemolytic anemia whereas the role of sequestration was not observed in regard to incompatible transfusion [13]. A study was conducted by Liepkalns et al (2012) by using mono-clonal antibodies against the glycophorin- A (hGPA) of human blood- group as well as Duffy (as a part of fusion- protein known as HOD) antigens [14]. They found that anti- Duffy antibodies were found to remove RBCs that express HOD through Fc- receptors. In- contrast to that, anti- hGPA antibodies were assessed to remove off RBCs through a 3rd newer biphasic mechanism. During the 1st phase of mechanism, anti- hGPA antibodies agglutinate with RBCs, thus sequestering them out of circulation. In the 2nd phase of mechanism, phagocytes are needed for the removal of sequestered RBCs independently from both Fc- receptors and complement [14]. A collaborating cytokine burst was analyzed in regard to Fc- receptors that suggest that the de-coupling of phagocytosis and secretion of cytokine occurs at the time of clearance of incompatible hGPA- RBCs [15]. They have investigated the ability of RBC to survive in- vivo with the knowledge of clearance mechanism. They found that not all hGPA and HOD- RBCs where cleared when they face a bolus of anti- hGPA and anti- Duffy antibodies respectively. At the time of incompatible transfusions of hGPA and HOD, a group of RBCs were identified to be PREVIEW- resistant. The resistance of hGPA and HOD- RBCs was identified to not require C3 (Figure 1) [14]. The titration of anti- hGPA antibody- mediated clearance indicates that RBCs spectrum occurs among hGPA- RBCs. Many studies on incompatible- transfusion with HOD- RBCs indicate that the resistant RBCs do not acquire the resistance ability but instead the resistance power is an innate quality of this RBC population. They concluded that, the c learance pathways of incompatible- RBC appear to differ among blood- group antigens or binding- antibody and resistance do not require complement. Recent studies suggest that phagocytes are not needed for an early clearance of hGPA as well as HOD- RBCs but play a great role in preventing its return to blood- circulation. Phagocytes usually uses multi- scavenger receptors along with Fc- and complement- receptors) to digest the injured cells [14]. Generally, it is known that phagocytic cells are much needed for the clearance of RBC that is coated with IgG. In 2012, Liepkalns et al has evaluated the role of phagocytes in incompatible RBC clearance by injecting C57BL/6 samples with clodronate which is a toxic electron- transport chain (decoupling bi-phosphonate). They have injected clodronate (that is encapsulated in liposomes) directly into phagocytic cells that are digested by them selectively (Figure 2) [14]. They have injected control mice with liposomes that is similar to experimental group but without capsulated clodronate (empty liposome). After 24 hours, passive immunization was given along with transfusion of a combination of both hGPA and HOD. They observed that the samples, who received passive immunization of anti- hGPA, showed the clearance of RBCs to certain extent with both clodronate as well as empty liposome- treated mice at the 1st time i.e. 2 hrs after transfusion (Figure 2). Moreover, from 18 hours, many of the incompatible hGPA- RBCs were found to return back to blood- circulation that lead to the survival of more than half of incompatible- RBCs at two days after transfusion (Figure 2) [14]. On the other hand, the samples that received passive immunization with anti- Fy3 showed that liposomal- clodronate infusion has stopped the clearance of HOD- RBC initially, which confirms that clodronate is highly effective and lead to the depletion of sufficient phagocytic cells to prevent the clearance of RBC that is FcgR- dependent. They also examined the role of FcgRs in the incompatible RBC clearance by using the samples with a deleted common- g chain that is needed for expressing and functioning of the 3 murine FcgRs for phagocytosis (FcgR-I, FcgR-III, and FcgR-IV) [16]. A very little but apparent decrease in incompatible RBC clearance was found in sample which is passively immunized with 10F7 and/or 6A7 whereas the clearance of hGPA HOD- RBCs that is stimulated by anti- Fy3 was observed to be abrogated. These findings suggest that FcgRs are needed for the incompatible RBC clearance but has little effect on clearance by anti- hGPA. Liepkalns (2012) has tested whether RBC aggregation in- vivo affects the clearance that is mediated by anti- hGPA. He did incompatible- transfusions and analyzed the peripheral- blood at rapid- clearance phase and found that majority of aggregates were made up of hGPA HOD- RBCs and not control RBC. The findings suggests that the majority of complexes contains selective- agglutination in- vivo of the in-compatible RBCs. Further, the complexes were observed only during the early stage of reaction and had quickly decreased at the clearance phase and have stopped to be detectable as soon as the transfusion is completed (Figure 3D) [14]. Many studies state that spleens have no role in the clearance of incompatible RBC clearance and splenectomy does not has any effect on the clearance. The incompatible RBCs were cleared off from blood- circulation only in the extra- splenic areas. Hence, spleen is not needed but might be engaged in the clearance of in-compatible- RBC [14]. Then, though the sensitivity of different organs varies to clodronate, clodronate treatment leads to the return of RBCs that are incompatible to the blood- circulation after some time. These findings suggests that phagocytic cells are much needed in the prevention of initially cleared off RBCs from re- entering into the blood- circulation most probably by engulfing the RBCs that are bounded by antibody. But, as there was no return back of C3 KO and FcgR- KO to the blood- circulation, the signal for engulfing seems to be something that is different from that of opsonization with an Immunoglobulin IgG or a complement. Brain et al (2010) observed that the binding of poly-clonal human- IgG antibodies (that is present in the persons with hemolytic- transfusion reaction because of anti- Pr) could damage the RBCs directly by destroying the RBCs membrane, opening the channels of Ca2+ with exposure of phosphate-dylethanolamine [10]. Hence, it suggests that 10-F7and 6A-7 stimulate the expression of engulf me signal as like phosphate-idylserine and other that are recognized by a scavenger- receptor that are located on the phagocytic cells, which are sensitive to clodronate. It appears that both 10F-7 and 6A-7 causes eryptosis directly (Figure 4A) [14]. Thus to conclude, various mechanisms are involved in the clearance of incompatible RBCs from blood. Recently, hGPA- RBCs are found to be cleared off by IgG-alloantibodies by biphasic mechanism that doesnt involve C3 and FcgRs. The analysis of the clearance of incompatible- RBCs, suggests that in addition to two usual mechanisms, biphasic mechanism has proved to be of greater therapeutic significance. Reference Zimring JC, Spitalnik SL. Alloimmunization to red cell antigens and management of alloimmunized patients. In: Mintz PD, editor. Transfusion therapy clinical principles and practice. Bethesda (MD). American Association of Blood Banks. 2011: 631-42. Davenport RD. Management of transfusion reactions. In: Mintz PD, editor. Transfusion therapy clinical principles and practice. Bethesda (MD). American Association of Blood Banks. 2011: 757-84. Vamvakas EC, Blajchman MA. Transfusion-related mortality: the ongoing risks of allogeneic blood transfusion and the available strategies for their prevention. Blood. 2009; 113: 3406-17. Gehrs BC, Friedberg RC. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia. 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